
  • Release date : Sep 25 2016 - 09:27
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Visit of New York Universitie’s Dental College’s Vice chancellor of International affairs

On Wednesday 18thof May 2016 the vicechancellor of International affairs of New York Universities’ Dental College visited Shahid Beheshti universities’ Dental College.
In this meeting Dr.S.M Hirsch ,the vicechancellor of International affairs of New York’s Dental college, Dr.Kambiz ghalili the professor of prosthetic section and Rachel Hill senior expert of the above mentioned college were present. In this five hour visit the Shahid Beheshtis’ Dental college committee and Dr.Kazem Dalaee the assistant in international affairs of the college discussed the potential cooperation in educational, research and experimental fields.
Dr.Hirsch and Dr.Ghalili started the meeting with introduction of Dental College of New York University in various fields such as education and research. At the end of the meeting they praised the quality of education given by shahid Beheshti’s Dental College to its graduates.
Furthermore possibilities such as educational, research and transferring students and professors were discussed.

In order to have access to the library of Dental college of New York University, transferring information regarding educational curriculum and advanced software were exchanged and further planning in this process was ordered.

The delegation also visited Shahid Beheshti’s dental material and biology laboratory, clinical laboratory, prosthetic laboratory, dental science institute and some clinical sections.

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